Current Research Questions

Uncovering the neural code supporting human vision
How does visual information falling on the eyes change across successive cortical regions?
How is visual information organized in the human visual system?
What are the evolutionary and developmental pressures that guide this organization?
What do variations in visual processing abilities across individuals and species tell us about human vision?
How do we overcome the limits of current human neuroimaging methods?
Linking artificial and biological vision
How do we model biological visual processing with artificial neural networks?
What are the limitations of current artificial vision systems and what does it mean for computer vision systems?
How can biological understanding lead to breakthroughs?
How close are we to creating a fully in-silico instantiation of the human visual cortex?
Linking neural representations with visual perception
What is the mechanistic link between neural measurements and vision behaviors?
What is the extent of behavioral variance that can be predicted by neuroimaging methods?
How close are we to predicting visual deficits in response to neurological impairments?
Uncovering the link between neural representations and behavioral visual perception
What do deficits in visual processing abilities tell us about the neural code supporting vision?
How do we leverage computational models to study the neural basis of visual deficits?
How well can we simulate/predict visual perceptual deficits using computational models?
How can engineering innovation lead to the development of assistive devices that enhance or substitute visual perception for those with deficits?
Beyond vision
What computational principles overlap and diverge across various sensory systems?
What aspects of visual information is relayed to other post-perceptual systems (decision making, planning, memory, and language)?